The third week of Advent is the week of animals according to the Waldorf verse. So we added animals to our crib and lighted the 3rd candle which is pink. …
Parenting is very difficult. The old saying ‘it takes a village’, is completely understood by parents, maybe more so in this day and age. We live in an era were …
The second week of Advent starts on Sunday. Here at home, we will add plants to our crib. We will also do some activities related to plants like sowing them, …
The first week of Advent is characterized at home with the making of the Advent wreath. I love gathering the greenery for it! We go to our small woodland and …
Self-care is an integral part of parenting. Yet, many feel guilt just at the thought of taking some time for themselves. Learn why taking time off is important in our …
Despite still at the end of October, many (me included) start thinking about the Christmas presents. Now whether you are Christian or not, if you celebrate the holiday, you need …
Many, many parents (and teachers) use a reward system. It starts very early on as an incentive to use the potty or to eat normal food. So very wrong! While …
Shouting is synonymous with parenting. I shout, I am going to be honest with you- don’t gasp, I know I am a positive discipline educator but yes I am still …