30 January


Bil-Malti I am putting it out there I.HATE.PLAYING.WITH.MY.CHILDREN!!! Give me arts and crafts, give me hikes and the beach but not playing. There I said it! Thing is, I tend …

30 January


In English Ser nagħmilha pubblika NOGĦOD.NILGĦAB.MAT-TFAL!!! Jekk tgħidli biex nagħmlu l-arti u krafts, jew il-mixjiet u morru l-baħar mhix problema, imma logħob le. Għidtha! Il-biċċa hi, li tant niffoka fuq …

07 January


“Time up, come on switch off your tablet” “I said now!!” So much for kind and firm. I said to myself: I am tired, frustrated, angry, fed up, completely done …

08 December


Anger held tight inside lest it hurts your dear ones Anger festering inside now hurting you and your dear ones Like an oil slick it seems to expand and wreaks …