We all grow up of course…not just in height and age but also in wisdom and independence. It is a funny thing independence; we need to first be completely dependent …
In English Meta jkollna t-trabi u toddlers, tiġi naturali li ngħanqu, inbusu u ngħidu nħobbok lit-tfal tagħna. Iżda, hekk kif dawn jagħlqu 4 snin u iktar, it-tgħannieq, bews u l-inħobbok …
Bil-Malti When we have babies and toddlers we simply LOVE hugging them, kissing them and saying “I love you so”! It is so natural to do so, that we don’t …
Bil-Malti Most of my conversations with my now 11 year old, happen in the car while on our way to ballet lessons. Here are some of the most recent ones. …
Read in English L-iktar kastigi komuni huma time outs u sistemi ta’ rewards, u dawn jaħdmu….imma propjament le, ma jaħdmux. Xi jfisser dan? Meta nagħtu time out, il-ħsieb tagħna u …
Aqra bil-Malti The most common punishments used are time outs and reward systems and they do work…but not really. What does that mean? Well, when we are doing time outs, …