Hands tied behind my back
I hate school I hate it with a passion. It wasn’t always like that… when I was young I was neutral towards school. I had to go and that was
I hate school I hate it with a passion. It wasn’t always like that… when I was young I was neutral towards school. I had to go and that was
We all grow up of course…not just in height and age but also in wisdom and independence. It is a funny thing independence; we need to first be completely dependent
I have been quiet in the past 2months. There has been a lot going though inside of me and I truly needed the space to process, understand and embody. I
In English Meta jkollna t-trabi u toddlers, tiġi naturali li ngħanqu, inbusu u ngħidu nħobbok lit-tfal tagħna. Iżda, hekk kif dawn jagħlqu 4 snin u iktar, it-tgħannieq, bews u l-inħobbok
Bil-Malti When we have babies and toddlers we simply LOVE hugging them, kissing them and saying “I love you so”! It is so natural to do so, that we don’t
Bil-Malti I am putting it out there I.HATE.PLAYING.WITH.MY.CHILDREN!!! Give me arts and crafts, give me hikes and the beach but not playing. There I said it! Thing is, I tend
In English Ser nagħmilha pubblika NOGĦOD.NILGĦAB.MAT-TFAL!!! Jekk tgħidli biex nagħmlu l-arti u krafts, jew il-mixjiet u morru l-baħar mhix problema, imma logħob le. Għidtha! Il-biċċa hi, li tant niffoka fuq
In English Ħafna mil-konverżezzjonjiet li jkolli mat-tifla l’issa għandha 11-il sena, jiġru fil-karozza fi triqtna għal lezzjonijiet tal-ballet. Dawn huma ftit mill-iktar reċenti. M: Fuq it-tabella tad-distanza soċjali l-aħħar darba
Bil-Malti Most of my conversations with my now 11 year old, happen in the car while on our way to ballet lessons. Here are some of the most recent ones.
Read in English L-iktar kastigi komuni huma time outs u sistemi ta’ rewards, u dawn jaħdmu….imma propjament le, ma jaħdmux. Xi jfisser dan? Meta nagħtu time out, il-ħsieb tagħna u