Valentine’s Day
The feast of St Valentine is fast approaching.
I used to hate it! It felt too materialistic for me! But Waldorf Education and my children changed that for me.
What changed was, finding different ways to bring kindness, love and belonging inside the family through this feast of St Valetine!
Throughout the years, we have done small gifts and posted them randomly in letterboxes together with an uplifting note. Given flowers to each other, left notes in their lunch boxes or made special food.
The past 2 years I started doing encouragement/love notes to the children a small heart written on it a strength or something about the child and leaving them randomly for them to find or letting them find them on their wardrobe every morning.
This year I am focusing on belonging and therefore within the family unit, and the above picture hearts have been printed for each family member. Than we each chose one of us to give those notes. Starting on Valentine’s for the next 2 weeks we will give a note a day to our assigned family member.
These simple gestures help us to connect with each other, feel a greater belonging and be more kind with each other.
If you are interested in having these printables, they are available as part of the membership option.