Last Week of Advent & Christmastide
The last week of Advent was a very short one this year and the focus was on Christmas eve. We added humans to our crib and Mary & Joseph reached the grotto. We also prepared the star path for the magi. Christmas eve in our family is a day where we spend it together, having a fun meal, opening presents and watch a movie.
Christmastide, which starts on Christmas day and ends 11 days later is a very important time of this season. On Christmas day, after the lighting of the last candle, we bring out the magi to start their path towards ‘Bethlehem’. We read stories to remind us in these 12 days to choose goodness, kindness and all virtues really throughout our lives as told to us by Jesus Himself.
Christmastide, is a time of reflection, of how far we have come, how further we want to go the following year. What worked and what did not. How to help our children do better. It works well that we have a small family meeting and discuss what values etc we wish to have as a family and form a family mission statement to help us focus on throughout the year.