This search for something to help boys transition from boyhood into adulthood has been at the back of my mind since my first born made his appearance in the world. …
Our 4 year olds can be very difficult to parent but a joy to be with at the same time. They can come up with astounding ideas, ask you insightful …
Today, I am reviewing with you part 1 of Hold on to your kids by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate. It is called The Phenomenon of Peer Orientation. If you …
I have started reading Hold On to Your Kids by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate. Now this book has a long history with me. I put it on my wish …
The main job of a child is to play! We live in an era were the more children do, the more they are believed to be successful later on. Giving …
We have explored self-care as basic physical needs and started dealing with self-care on a mental level. We looked at me time and time with friends. Today, the last post …
Last week we spoke about physical self-care with the very basics being nutrition, hydration, rest & exercise! This week we will look at the more mental aspect of self-care which …
Self-care is something we take for granted when we are single or married but without children. We don’t even realise that we are doing so much self-care at that point. …
It is so easy for our children to feel the pressure from exams. Many times, we parents together with the educators at school can be the ones that are actually …
I read many times that you need to listen more then talk to children. I read many times that you should not offer solutions many times and just show that …