Ep 029 Exploring Positive Discipline with Dr Jane Nelsen


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About this Episode

Today we have an interview with Dr Jane Nelsen.

Dr. Jane Nelsen is the mother of 7 children and grandmother of 22 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren, and wife of the very supportive Barry. She is a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist and the author and/or coauthor of 24 Positive Discipline books including the most recent book: Positive Discipline in the Montessori Classroom, with Chip De Lorenzo, and her latest Positive Discipline Tools for Kids deck of cards with Aisha Pope, Mary Nelsen Tamborski, and Lois Ingber.
Jane taught Child Development at a California community college and was an elementary school counselor for ten years. Her doctorate degree in Educational Psychology from the University of San Francisco in 1979 is secondary to the education and experience she achieved from her successes and failures as a mother of seven children and all she now learns from the thousands of parents and teachers who share their success stories from all over the world—many of which are shared in Positive Discipline Parenting Tools written with her daughter, Mary Nelsen Tamborski and her son, Brad Ainge; and the book Positive Discipline Tools for Teachers, written with Dr. Kelly Gfroerer.
Take away from this podcast:
  • Positive Discipline is not punitive nor permissive but focused on solutions
  • Firmness does not mean being mean
  • Why children seem to disobey more nowadays
  • Focusing on solutions and being curious
  • With Positive Discipline both children and parents keep learning, so, mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow
  • Positive discipline is not time consuming but different
  • Trauma and discipline
  • Children do better when they feel better


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