Hands tied behind my back
I hate school
I hate it with a passion.
It wasn’t always like that… when I was young I was neutral towards school. I had to go and that was it. I didn’t hate it but I wasn’t motivated there. So I was the quiet girl who all forgot and never participated or questioned anything.
Now that I have children and have seen how they are being ravaged by anxiety and pressure….I hate it and I wonder because I never felt such pressure in my school days.
I just had one of my children cry on my shoulder because of the pressure and being forced to do projects which they are not comfortable with.
Telling me they felt the need to show a happy face at school so they don’t get questioned.
This is wrong on so many levels and unfortunately, even when I speak for them, nothing ever really changes in this particular situation.
The pain you feel when you can’t help the child you wish…feeling your hands tied, knowing that they will all believe you are over reacting….. -sigh- this.is.hard.
The feeling I get is that those in education (or at least in my current childs’ school) have forgotten that children are human. They push their agendas (or maybe what they have been told they have to) and forget that children are not all the same. It can be preached from the rooftops but the reality remains that in the humdrum of daily life at school, children are not seen as different but as same. If it weren’t so and if they really believe in true education, they will walk the talk.
Honestly, I am counting down the years for my children to be done with compulsory education. I am tired of fighting on their behalf only to fall on deaf ears. I am tired of the anger, anxiety, frustration and tears either mine or theirs. And I am tired of having children not sleeping or eating well.