Are you preparing for Autumn?
Have you felt the slight change in weather? Do you feel the expectancy within your body of changes coming?
It is always an exciting time Autumn for us. The festivals start, the weather changes to the more coolness of autumn and then the cold of winter and so many other things.
As a family, we prepare for autumn by deep cleaning the house together before school starts. We love the process of checking that we have everything or we do not need something any more. Cleaning the house deeply as a way to welcome the new season is very satisfying. Small other changes within the home include bringing back carpets, changing some decorations and of course our nature table changes to reflect the new season.

Other changes that happen at home are me changing our menu to more warming and energy building foods. Our rhythm starts reflecting also the new season, taking into consideration school and other activities that usually occur at this stage and the slowing down from the frenzy of summer fun.
Lastly we start also preparing for the onset of the possibility of sickness by taking supplements that enhance the immune system till autumn is well on its way.
What about you? How do you reflect the new season in your home?