Conversations with a daughter
Most of my conversations with my now 11 year old, happen in the car while on our way to ballet lessons. Here are some of the most recent ones.
M: Last time on the social distance sign I saw the picture as half male/female. Why?
Me: Well, that is to show inclusivity. You know how we had talked about some people not feeling the way they look? a male feeling they are female or the other way round? That is why nowadays we are seeing more of this sign, to bring more awareness and care to all human beings.
M: There is someone in my school year who is now saying is a boy and not a girl and also changed her name.
Me: Mmmmm, I have an aunt who was born male but felt female and eventually changed her name and all.
M: I didn’t know that.
M: Ma, recently I felt like eating fried foods and sweets. I just can’t stop thinking about them!
Me: (chuckling) seems like your hormones are syncing with mine. I am also wanting fried food and sweets. It is called the Luteal Phase.
M: Why does that happen?
Me: Our body needs different types of nutrients for each of our cycle phases – and when we are deficient in them, in the Luteal phase for example, our body craves greasy and sugary food as it feels like it is satisfying that need in this way.
M: But I still don’t have my period
Me: Well, but your body is preparing for it.
M: Sometimes, when we eat pizza or cake, after a bit, I feel like eating more but stop because I know I will feel sick after.
Me: That is really good that you are aware of your body needs.
M: But it is frustrating at times as it is soo good and I can’t finish it up.
Me: It is hard at times, when you are enjoying something. And I am glad you stop because you know it will not make you feel good after. It is a very good thing that you feel that inner voice and honour it already you know?
These conversations fill my heart with love and joy to see this daughter of mine grow her intuitive mind.